--: Nevarro Sector Corporate Authority Report 242-712 :--
Being the report of Unit 17-C searching for the slicer known as Vikrett Jannakree...
Game three - Slicer rendezvous
Report of notorious slicer, Vikrett Jannakree, have reached headquarters and reduced squad 17-C have been tasked with his retrieval and extraction from Nevarro City, Sector 5. His whereabouts have been narrowed down to a small area of Sector 5 and a house to house search will commence.

The search of sector five begins. Squad 17-C have been informed of potential terrorist activity in the area. Slicer Vikrett Jannakree may have information for said terrorists and must be found as soon as possible.

Whilst conducting the lawful search of the immediate properties, Trooper Hev spotted a known suspected terrorist and preceded to approach him for questioning.

The suspect in question was not alone and a severe firefight broke out amongst the properties without warning or provocation.

Fortunately, Trooper Liss was successful in his search, even though he was not long out from treatment resulting from the last encounter with the terrorists. The slicer known as Vikrett Jannakree was willing to come along with Trooper Liss for questioning at the Corporate Authority headquarters.

Whilst Trooper Liss was taking the slicer into custody, the firefight was increasing with ferocity with several Corporate casualties.

With the terrorists being held at bay by the gallant defence of the Corporate troopers, Trooper Liss was able to escort the slicer from the battlezone and get him extracted to Corporate headquarters.

A successful mission but the actions of the terrorists must be dealt with in the harshest terms as they are upsetting the peaceful aura of Nevarro City and the denizens therein.
Recommend to send a message to the Imperial Sector Garrison for reinforcements to help quell these terrorist incursions and stop their untoward actions before more innocents are harmed.
Messages of condolence have been sent to the relevant parties
Report ends...
We were quite fortunate with the weather in this game as it was rather dark outside and we left the lights off to try and help convey the gloom of Nevarro.
Buildings are mainly scratchbuilt along with some scatter terrain. Most of the other terrain and buildings are from our sci-fi catalogue.
A lot of the civilian models are a mix from several manufacturers including (but not exclusively) NorthStar, CP Models, West End Games bendy plastic to name but a few.
Rules as always are Wiley Games FFoL Galactic Heroes 2