--: Nevarro Sector Corporate Authority Report 242-674 :--
Being the report of Unit 17-C on routine patrol in Sector 5 of Nevarro City...
Game One - Routine Patrol
Standard unit of one officer and five troopers patrolling Sector 5. Reports of an active rebel cell were received early morning and Unit 17-C were sent out to investigate. Lt Lamore in command, assisted by Sgt Montt with Troopers Liss, Arkan, Hev and Boon in support.

Lt Lamore split his unit to be able to cover more ground. The decision was made as the Lt wasn't expecting any trouble.

Sgt Montt reported spotting some suspicious behaviour near the Imperial check point building but couldn't clearly make out what it was.

Not having a clear idea of the situation with Sgt Montt, Lt Lamore decided to proceed as planned into the market area of Sector 5 but suddenly came under fire from the reported rebel cell that had obviously been flushed out by Sgt Montt.

Just seeing the one rebel, the Lt made the decision to take the fight to the enemy and try and capture some of the rebels in order to gain information about their operations. Unfortunately there were more rebels than were previously thought and a vicious firefight with some close quarters action ensued.

Sgt Montt tried to give support from an elevated position but his field of fire was restricted and the rebels started to gain the upper hand.

The rebels, seeing their chance of escape before vehicular support arrived, left the scene as quickly as they could. It was only the foresight and quick thinking of Trooper Hev that managed to salvage some good from the situation and captured one of the rebel females.

A deplorable situation where the local law enforcement officers of the Corporate Authority are ambushed seemingly out of nowhere with no provocation or reason. You can be rest assured that once the captive has been taken to holding and questioned there will be repercussions for these so called rebels. Messages of condolence will have to be sent to the families of those involved that will not be coming home.
Report ends....
A lot of the terrain, vehicles and so on are from the webshop (link below) but there are also some custom builds for the larger buildings. Figures are a mix of Stargrave metals/plastics and more generic metals/plastics with resin accoutrements here and there.
The rules used were the excellent Wiley Games Fistful of Lead; Galactic Heroes. They give a very cinematic game, are easy to pick up and the games are quick. Win win!
We've had five campaign games so far with plenty more in the works and they will be spanning the galaxy!