I've been meaning to get these done and out since the Gradara project but now it's finally happened.

Two buildings released so far with another three or so in stone planned/started. There will also be additions to go with these as soon as I have enough to get going.
Other buildings planned/started are a tower, which should consist of a ground floor, four floors and a choice of top (crenellated or pantiles). There will also be a long shop and a corner building that can be used to make bends in streets. I will also be doing brick and stucco buildings similar to what is shown here but different enough so they're not seen as copies.

I've made the upper floor and roof available separately at the moment and will include the ground floors on the future. The large door for the shop is a separate piece and the intention is for some of the additions to be 'market stalls' that can be placed inside the shop but I need a bit more research before being able to release them.

As with all new catalogue buildings now the roofs and floors are removable and have simple interiors represented to allow for internal play. Not something I've really done in the past as when I started back in 2007 bigger battles were the main focus and buildings were only elements of terrain to hinder movement. That has now changed to skirmish level games and so interiors can be important for the game.

Hope the buildings are pleasing and here's to more releases in the future :-)