You might have noticed on the last blog post that I've released a small range of fantasy scenery elements. I've expanded it a little bit since then to include a ring (with options) and a couple of other feature stones.

Although these are mainly aimed at the fantasy market, many of them can also be used by the historical crowd, even if you're not gaming in the Neolithic, Mesolithic, or Bronze Age periods! A stone circle, or dolmen, could make a great backdrop for a Dark Ages, medieval, English Civil War game, or even a Victorian or Pulp scenario. I'll certainly be using them for a wide range of periods.
The history of stone circles dates back to the megalithic era, around 3300 to 2500 BC with the most famous in the UK of course being Stonehenge. Unfortunately, there is no clear explanation for their use, with many theories being put forward, including ceremonial and astrological (and even aliens!), though most popular theories involve solar, lunar and other astronomical purposes.
The form of stone circles was generally (as the name suggest) a circle, though some were more oval or elliptical in shape. Occasionally, some would also have a central feature stone, or one offset towards the rear. Stone circles could also have larger stones than the others that formed a 'gateway' into the space, called Portal stones. Others could have large stones laid on their sides, called recumbent stones (they would often have their own large stones to the sides, called Flankers).

The size of stone circles across Britain varies between just a few metres across to over 300m in diameter for some of those that had multiple rings of stones (concentric circles). Perhaps this depended on the number of people using it, with the larger circles being of greater importance across a larger area? Imagine having a large multi-ringed stone circle in the middle of your table as a Saxon warband clash with Picts, or beastmen face off against Imperial humans.
The primary component of a stone circle are the 'orthostats', which are the upright stones that make up the majority of the circle. As mentioned above, there are also the taller Portal stones and Flankers, and the 'recumbent' stones which lie down and may represent the horizon. Also, there were the trilithons, most famously seen at Stonehenge, the best known of all Britain's stone circles. Trilithons consisted of two upright orthostats, with a third stone laid horizontally across the top of them, like a lintel stone. They could be one for a future release!

The other feature stones I have available are mainly intended for fantasy games, but given how little remains of megalithic sites now, you could still use them in a historical setting!
The dolmen set is a stand-alone piece, but I will be developing more sabot trays to allow it to be included. I will also be potentially making a couple of different types as there are a few differing examples. Generally, they would have acted as tombs, and were often covered in earth, or small stones, which were worn away over time.

It's a rich source of inspiration for terrain, and if these initial releases prove to be popular, then I may look at expanding the range.
A big thank you to Elk101 for helping research the range.
Inspiring !