Welcome to the OSHIROmodelterrain webshop
update MAR 2025
Postage is still free for the UK over £100 and for the rest of the world for£150
We are now GPSR compliant so all EU customers can order as normal.
We are on OSHIROmodels Bluesky (13NOV2024)
- News - < Mar/2025 >
The 28mm Japanese village buildings are now available again from here
I've added three new items to the fantasy section of the webshop here
A new set of rulers has been added to the Gaming Tokens page here
- News - < Feb/2025 >
I've added the new 6mm Japanese village range to the webshop here
There is a new Fantasy section in the webshop here
A new selection of VSF/naval guns has been added to the VSFA section of the webshop here
There's a new medieval dovecote in the webshop here
- News - < Jan/2025 >
Happy New Year to all our customers, new and old!
Posting of existing orders and remaining KS pledges will begin tomorrow (Monday 6th Jan), thank you for you patience.
There are a couple of new Sci-fi additions in the webshop here
The Japanese village building painting tutorial is up on OSHIROblog
The medieval additions has been added to the webshop here
We have a new renaissance buildings section in the webshop.
We are now GPSR compliant, details of which are on the T&Cs page.